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How to submit the abstract for the conference?You can submit the abstract by sending an email to as per the template available on the website. All submitted abstracts are going to be reviewed by the scientific committee and will send proof of acceptance within 24-48 hours of submission
How to register for the conference?You have to register for the conference online or offline. For online registration go through offline registration mail WYN Conferences will accept all international cards for the registrations with secure payment gateways like Stripe and Pay-pal. Participants can also register by transferring the registration charges to the organization's bank account, details are going to be provided by the organization in an invoice form.
What benefits are going to be getting after the registration?Please refer to the speaker benefits on our website.
Where can I find my presentation slot?The final scientific program of the conference is going to be updated on the conference page of the website before a month of the conference or as early as possible. If need you to know early and book the required slot should
Can I block the presentation slot as my own?If the required slot is available as per the time of your mail, yes, you can.
Are there any limited registrations for the speakers?Yes, to finalize and the program with the benefit of more time and more presentations should have to register for the conference due to limited speaker slots only.
How can I book the accommodation in the hotel during the conference?On the conference page, you can book the accommodation by Deal-A and Deal-B registrations. For 2 nights of accommodation need to register for Deal-A and for 3 nights of accommodation should register with Deal-B. For extra accommodations, you can contact us by email at ****
Can I participate with an accompanying person?You can accommodate an accompanying person by adding an add-on feature available on the registration page.
Can I cancel my registration?You can cancel the registration by following the refund policy which is available on the conference website.
Is there any discount available for the registration charges?Group discount is available, if you will participate with a group of minimum four people you will get a 25% discount on each registration.
Can I bring my presentation in my own drive?Yes, you need to bring your presentation of your own in the drive or E-mail to the conference coordinator a day before the conference.
Is the organization going to support the VISA process?Yes, we will support the VISA process by providing special invitation letters, abstract acceptance letters and hotel confirmation letters. As per the participant requirement organization can do as much as possible.
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